Monday, September 29, 2014

What in the World is Dr. Ben Carson Trying to DO?

It seems that I read a lot about Dr. Benjamin Carson, these days. Everybody seems to be wondering if he's ever going to whet their appetites with an "official" bid for the Presidency in 2016. After having listened to what his supporters are saying in various forums and listening intently to what it is that the good Doctor has been saying, himself, I have come to a few conclusions on my own.

It should be pretty obvious, at this juncture, that IF Dr. Carson places his hat in the ring, he will become a candidate to be reckoned with, here's why: While other would-be candidates are focusing their energies on the so-called issues of the day, making promises that they may or may not eventually keep, IF they are elected, Dr. Carson hasn't even announced officially that he is running for ANY public office.

Instead, he is focusing his energies on the real issues: he is arming the American public with the tools to scrutinize every politician out there, and few there are who can stand well against such scrutiny. If his strategy works, by the time the votes are counted, many of his so-called competitors will be standing in a different light.

Rather than walking around in his shadow, waiting for a few crumbs that will indicate his intentions, isn't it time that we actually listen in on what he is saying to the American public?

In a nutshell, Dr. Carson is handing all of us a giant magnifying glass through which we can take a closer look at what the present situation is. That present situation is not a pretty one. We have politicians who lie outright to the American public, saying one thing to get their votes and doing another thing to line their pockets and keep their jobs. We have blatant manipulation of and by the media, bringing popularity to some of most insignificant changes this country has ever seen. We have elected government officials who steal wholesale from American taxpayers and rampantly and voraciously add to the National Debt.

Quite honestly, if you vote for Dr. Ben Carson, in 2015, and yours is an uninformed vote, you'd have a hard time convincing him that you "supported" him in the election.

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