Monday, September 29, 2014

Education is the Key

Dr. Ben Carson is well known as the kid who was failing in school until his mother, with a third-grade education, set he and his brother on a new path to knowledge through reading. From this humble beginning, he went on to become one of the greatest neurosurgeons of the 20th century, making history along the way. He continues to buffer his education to this day, through avid reading of worthwhile writing.

Some have criticized him for his lack of experience in the political arena. Those who are on his side, realize that this is not a great hindrance to someone who is a quick-study, avid learner, on the level of Dr. Carson. Moreover, we know that he is not averse to asking great minds for help. Besides, I'll let you in on a little secret -I don't really trust professional politicians.

His is a modern success story, on par with that of Abraham Lincoln, whose humble beginnings were overcome by self-education and a will to improve. There is no doubt in my mind that, even if Dr. Carson did not achieve the White House, he will continue to do what he has been doing all along -and that is the key point that I want to make here:

Carson has been striving for years to help common people to overcome their poverty, their insipidness, their adversity and their self esteem issues, by encouraging them to realize their own great potential through education. This is still the case. Regardless of whether he decides to run for any public office, regardless of whether or not he is successful in his attempts to do so, I believe that Dr. Ben Carson will continue in this guise, and that he will continue to keep elected officials on their toes. In my eyes, he is already a great human being. I would just like to know if he'd be a great president as well.

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