Sunday, September 28, 2014

Okay, here we go: Last Friday night, I went to hear Dr. Benjamin Carson speak in a public forum at the Spokane Convention Center, in downtown Spokane. I have been besieged by requests to tell, in a nutshell, what he spoke about. Here's a little taste:

Mainstream media should be thankful to have a personality like Dr. Carson around. Even though they often malign what he says, or misquote him outright, they are getting more readers at his expense. At Spokane, WA, Dr. Ben Carson was quoted as paraphrasing Barrack Obama, stating: "The President has said that we are not a Judeo-Christian nation..." after a slight pause, the good doctor stated that, "He doesn't get to decide that. That's for us (the nation) to decide." As you can well imagine, that got a rousing round of applause from the crowd.

In a nutshell, Dr. Benjamin Carson spoke about what he has spoken of often to the American People, these past two years. This is a time for change. We the People have the power to effect that change, right in our hot little hands. We need the courage and audacity to use it for the betterment of our society. We have been accepting of whatever our government sees fit to hand over to us, and it is time that we take what is rightfully ours. Dr. Carson co-authored another book with his life partner, Candy Carson. It is available online and it gives you the rudiments that are necessary to begin holding our government officials accountable for their every action! You can find the e-book version online at Let's take this to the next level.

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