Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kaycee Admits that Dr. Ben Carson is a Rank Amateur

It's true. Earlier today, on LinkedIn, I admitted to the fact that Dr. Benjamin Carson is a rank amateur, as far as politics go. And why not? Lately, I have been besieged with reminders of the paucity of Dr. Carson's experience in the political arena. In fact, had he not made such pointed comments at the President's Prayer Breakfast, a few short months ago, he probably never would have seen the inside of that arena.

Now that we have that item of business out of the way, let me share with those of you who are not on LinkedIn, exactly what I said on the subject. It went a little something like this:

"Although this is a largely agreeable platform, I have been taking somewhat of a beating in other forums for "backing an amateur" who has no track record in political offices. I'll be honest with you, I consider Dr. Ben Carson's inexperience as a plus! Take a trip down memory lane and you don't have to look too far to find "professional" politicians who willfully immersed this country in foreign wars and prolonged those wars to line their own pockets. Professional politicians who lied, boldfaced, to the American public and manipulated the media to help pull the wool over the eyes of the common people who put them in office. Professional politicians who glad hand each other in the cloakrooms and raise their own wages and benefits packages while signing into law punitive standards that prevent small businesses from turning a profit in their own hometowns. I'll tell you what this is like: Have you ever seen the movie 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?' "

So, there you have it. I said it and yes, I believe it is true.

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