Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kaycee Admits that Dr. Ben Carson is a Rank Amateur

It's true. Earlier today, on LinkedIn, I admitted to the fact that Dr. Benjamin Carson is a rank amateur, as far as politics go. And why not? Lately, I have been besieged with reminders of the paucity of Dr. Carson's experience in the political arena. In fact, had he not made such pointed comments at the President's Prayer Breakfast, a few short months ago, he probably never would have seen the inside of that arena.

Now that we have that item of business out of the way, let me share with those of you who are not on LinkedIn, exactly what I said on the subject. It went a little something like this:

"Although this is a largely agreeable platform, I have been taking somewhat of a beating in other forums for "backing an amateur" who has no track record in political offices. I'll be honest with you, I consider Dr. Ben Carson's inexperience as a plus! Take a trip down memory lane and you don't have to look too far to find "professional" politicians who willfully immersed this country in foreign wars and prolonged those wars to line their own pockets. Professional politicians who lied, boldfaced, to the American public and manipulated the media to help pull the wool over the eyes of the common people who put them in office. Professional politicians who glad hand each other in the cloakrooms and raise their own wages and benefits packages while signing into law punitive standards that prevent small businesses from turning a profit in their own hometowns. I'll tell you what this is like: Have you ever seen the movie 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?' "

So, there you have it. I said it and yes, I believe it is true.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Education is the Key

Dr. Ben Carson is well known as the kid who was failing in school until his mother, with a third-grade education, set he and his brother on a new path to knowledge through reading. From this humble beginning, he went on to become one of the greatest neurosurgeons of the 20th century, making history along the way. He continues to buffer his education to this day, through avid reading of worthwhile writing.

Some have criticized him for his lack of experience in the political arena. Those who are on his side, realize that this is not a great hindrance to someone who is a quick-study, avid learner, on the level of Dr. Carson. Moreover, we know that he is not averse to asking great minds for help. Besides, I'll let you in on a little secret -I don't really trust professional politicians.

His is a modern success story, on par with that of Abraham Lincoln, whose humble beginnings were overcome by self-education and a will to improve. There is no doubt in my mind that, even if Dr. Carson did not achieve the White House, he will continue to do what he has been doing all along -and that is the key point that I want to make here:

Carson has been striving for years to help common people to overcome their poverty, their insipidness, their adversity and their self esteem issues, by encouraging them to realize their own great potential through education. This is still the case. Regardless of whether he decides to run for any public office, regardless of whether or not he is successful in his attempts to do so, I believe that Dr. Ben Carson will continue in this guise, and that he will continue to keep elected officials on their toes. In my eyes, he is already a great human being. I would just like to know if he'd be a great president as well.

What in the World is Dr. Ben Carson Trying to DO?

It seems that I read a lot about Dr. Benjamin Carson, these days. Everybody seems to be wondering if he's ever going to whet their appetites with an "official" bid for the Presidency in 2016. After having listened to what his supporters are saying in various forums and listening intently to what it is that the good Doctor has been saying, himself, I have come to a few conclusions on my own.

It should be pretty obvious, at this juncture, that IF Dr. Carson places his hat in the ring, he will become a candidate to be reckoned with, here's why: While other would-be candidates are focusing their energies on the so-called issues of the day, making promises that they may or may not eventually keep, IF they are elected, Dr. Carson hasn't even announced officially that he is running for ANY public office.

Instead, he is focusing his energies on the real issues: he is arming the American public with the tools to scrutinize every politician out there, and few there are who can stand well against such scrutiny. If his strategy works, by the time the votes are counted, many of his so-called competitors will be standing in a different light.

Rather than walking around in his shadow, waiting for a few crumbs that will indicate his intentions, isn't it time that we actually listen in on what he is saying to the American public?

In a nutshell, Dr. Carson is handing all of us a giant magnifying glass through which we can take a closer look at what the present situation is. That present situation is not a pretty one. We have politicians who lie outright to the American public, saying one thing to get their votes and doing another thing to line their pockets and keep their jobs. We have blatant manipulation of and by the media, bringing popularity to some of most insignificant changes this country has ever seen. We have elected government officials who steal wholesale from American taxpayers and rampantly and voraciously add to the National Debt.

Quite honestly, if you vote for Dr. Ben Carson, in 2015, and yours is an uninformed vote, you'd have a hard time convincing him that you "supported" him in the election.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Okay, here we go: Last Friday night, I went to hear Dr. Benjamin Carson speak in a public forum at the Spokane Convention Center, in downtown Spokane. I have been besieged by requests to tell, in a nutshell, what he spoke about. Here's a little taste:

Mainstream media should be thankful to have a personality like Dr. Carson around. Even though they often malign what he says, or misquote him outright, they are getting more readers at his expense. At Spokane, WA, Dr. Ben Carson was quoted as paraphrasing Barrack Obama, stating: "The President has said that we are not a Judeo-Christian nation..." after a slight pause, the good doctor stated that, "He doesn't get to decide that. That's for us (the nation) to decide." As you can well imagine, that got a rousing round of applause from the crowd.

In a nutshell, Dr. Benjamin Carson spoke about what he has spoken of often to the American People, these past two years. This is a time for change. We the People have the power to effect that change, right in our hot little hands. We need the courage and audacity to use it for the betterment of our society. We have been accepting of whatever our government sees fit to hand over to us, and it is time that we take what is rightfully ours. Dr. Carson co-authored another book with his life partner, Candy Carson. It is available online and it gives you the rudiments that are necessary to begin holding our government officials accountable for their every action! You can find the e-book version online at www.onevotebook.com Let's take this to the next level.

Word Up: No More Lackadaisical Government!

We need to put the government back in its rightful place, that is "By the People and For the People!" One excellent way to begin is to read Dr. Ben Carson and Candy Carson's new e-book: One Vote.
You can find it here: www.onevotebook.com and, if you can't cough up the measly $2.50 price for the book itself, I'll give you the keys here and now, and you can drive it away.

The Carsons have generously added the "good stuff" from the book on the website above, FOR FREE! That's right, free.

The "good stuff," in this case, is a nice set of hyperlinks that take you to sights where you can locate your local congressional incumbents and other local representatives, and find out just what they have been doing since YOU put them into their respective offices.

You can use this free information to locate ALL of their governmental activities and find out how the things they DO stack up against the things that they had promised TO DO ere you ever voted them in. Not only that, you can find out how they voted on YOUR favorite issues, and decide if you would like to retain their services or give them a little time out.

 That is the beauty of free election, my friend, and, in this digital age, where Big Brother lurks somewhere over your shoulder, you can turn the webcam around and spy on them. Find out what they do, why they did it, and who paid them to do so. It's true. If you don't believe me, click on the link and take a wide-eyed look at the powerful tools that have just been collated for the public at large.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nice Stay

Stay Nice. That's my motto. I recently went on a vacation to the Oregon Coast with my family. We stayed overnight in a hotel, in the Dalles and then drove on in the morning, so we could enjoy the trip. While on the road, we got a call from the manager of the hotel, saying that our girls had left behind a baby blanket and would we like to make arrangements to pick it up on the way back through.

After our stay at the coast, we were delayed by some car troubles, so we stayed in another hotel, before heading back the next morning. I had it in my head that we had stayed in a "Best Western," hotel in the Dalles. So we picked a Best Western and had a good night's sleep and a hot breakfast the next morning.

On our way back to the Dalles, we stopped by and picked up the kids' blankie and I wanted to say something complementary to the manager, so I made a point to tell her that we had enjoyed our stay at her hotel, so much, in fact, that we stayed in a Best Western in the next town over... She looked at me with some dismay and muttered, "Oh." I thought, "Wow! Some people just can't take a compliment." on the way out to the car, I glanced up at their sign. It was a Marriot! Oops...