Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Smart Phone Phooey

Yesterday I had to dash my "smart" phone against the table a few times, it probably wasn't a nice thing to do but hey, it had it coming. "Smart-alecky" is a closer description of that durn phone, sometimes. Every time I touch it, it says something smart like, "Please speak a command..."

I usually respond with something like, "Shut Up!" but it just keeps on talking.

Tell you the truth, I'm about ready to shirk all this technology and get REAL old school. These days, I'm in the market for the "dumbest" phone I can find. I'll tell you why.

I'm a guy. Yes, despite the spelling of my name (Kaycee), I AM a GUY! Long story that.

Let's say I'm at a social gathering and I am pontificating on a subject, I am (and this is a guy thing) wanting to eliminate any would-be competition to my knowledge-base -so, the LAST THING I need is a phone that is smarter than ME! Let's face it, as a guy, I can't handle the competition.

Give me a "dumb" phone.

I found a good old-fashioned dumb phone, last night, digging through my mom's attic. I mean a really dumb phone.
Now I don't feel threatened in the least.

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