Monday, August 31, 2015

Washington Wilfire Relief -How Can I Help?

Several people who read my most recent post, "Life is a Bird," have been waiting with baited breath for the follow-up article, wherein I promised to offer information on how individuals can help with relief for victims/volunteers/firefighters in the battle against the Washington Wildfires.

Let me just state that, the need is great. You might think it a small donation to buy a multi-pack of toothpaste and toothbrushes at Costco, or to donate some old worn-out jeans that you can't even fit into anymore. Maybe your kid has a few too many stuffed animals, cluttering up their room, or you might have some non-perishable food items sitting on your porch that the Boy Scouts of America never did come back to retrieve (after going to all that trouble to hand out the donation bags).

Allow me this indulgence while I shout:

Firefighters and other volunteers have been waging a "hot war," in the truest sense of that term, for weeks! People have been on their feet for ages, now, without much rest. Families have been displaced from their homes -some of which will never seen their homes again!

Due to the extraordinarily dry, hot summer months (which began back in March) combined with blazing hot temperatures for weeks on end, through June, July and August, high winds, and (in some cases -astonishingly enough) arson, the battle has gone in the favor of the flames.
We can each do our part, by spreading the word, donating our money, time, or at least, urging others to do so. The need right now is keen -it will remain that way until the fires have been completely and totally extinguished! There are several donation centers listed below, as reported by the Seattle Times and reprinted via the link below.
If you live in the Spokane area, like I do, United Parcel Services is organizing a drop-off donation point in the Costco parking lot, in Spokane Valley. The 28-foot UPS truck will be collecting donations in the UPS parking lot September 2nd, and in the Costco parking lot September 3rd and 4th. Feel free to drop off your donations at your convenience and, take a moment to follow the link above, to see what other relief is being offered.

If you are in a position to do so -maybe through your church, or other organization, feel free to organize your own efforts on behalf of these brave volunteers and hapless victims. If nothing else, perhaps you could offer a prayer or two on behalf of those out there on the front lines.

Thanks for caring!

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