Sunday, November 23, 2014

Darkest Before Dawn

Republic, n, a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by Representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

Democracy, n, a system of government by the governed.

Oligarchy, n, a system of government by the few.

Ever since Franklin Roosevelt's first one hundred days in office set a new precedent for usurpation of the American will, there has been a disturbing trend that has brought us to our current phase wherein it is possible to have a man in the highest office of the land that totally despises our system of government.

Maybe it's a sign of the times that we live in. Youth, in all its exuberance and energy, have never been known for their wisdom or for their respect for tradition. Certainly this is true in our current phase of the world's history. But for a man to take a public office, and to swear to his constituents, to solemnly protect and serve the country and to uphold the Constitution of these United States, and then to turn around and disrespect our fighting forces, our veterans, and to despise our flag -somehow, this defies logic.

"When in the course of human events..." it becomes necessary to make changes, to check despotism, to defy tyranny, to stand United against a Common Enemy, the American public has ALWAYS risen to the task. They say that it is darkest before the dawn. Well, the darkness that has settled upon this Nation is beginning to dawn upon a lot of the citizens that I know. The tables are turning, the clock is ticking, and even in this darkest hour, preparations are being made. Nobama's gonna stand in the way.

Doctor Benjamin Carson, in his bestselling book, "America the Beautiful," stated that "Democracy (is) Not a Spectator Sport." This is true. In addition, "We hold these truths to be self evident..." America is NOT an Oligarchy in the making. Regaining the senate from a runaway administration is only the first step. The darkness is lifting and the light is revealing the perpetration of a thousand sins.

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