A pair of graphs are walking down the street. One of them looks back at the last sentence on page four and asks, "what on earth is this world coming to? It's beginning to look as though the average writer can't muster syntax." The other one replies, "What did you expect? The whole world is helpless."
The first one says, "I thought the word was hapless."
The second one fired back, "Sorry, I meant to say 'hopeless.' "
Cut to:
My wife has told me, numerous times, that I need to "get help." My co-workers at my day
job and my landlord have joined the chorus. Now, even my kids are telling me
that I need "help."
What to do?
I asked my secretary; she couldn't fit me in before next Wednesday.
I called the "help desk," they put me on hold.
I asked my psychiatrist, he told me I was beyond help.
Finally, out of desperation, I tried the "Get Help" button on LinkedIn.
No luck.
All of our major systems are failing. It's just another economic indicator that suggests that we are in a seller's market. Every place on the internet that offers "help," seems to wantmoney -and LOTS of it!
It's not hopeless, but it certainly looks "helpless."
What should I do?
Any ideas?
Friday, October 31, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Happy Halloween!
There are strange powers at work tonight. Although it is not quite Halloween, the shifts in the night time skies are a harbinger of things to come. The fog sits heavy and the moon peers through a single, blurry eye, at the strange crackling of lightning across the panorama. Thunder follows, like the rumbling of the belly of a huge, unseen beast. Are you prepared for what is coming? Doubtful that you are -after all, I haven't even told you what it is, yet.
Steady yourself. All things will be revealed in their proper time. We are wrapping up the month of October, a few days early. This will give our hungry team the freedom to go out in search of sweets and chocolate. After all, they deserve it. We've been slaving over this cauldron for a month now, we are not super human, not super natural, just a little bit above average, perhaps. But time will tell.
We are scrapping our old image. It was a little too fuzzy-wuzzy for our tastes. Time now for "The Undertaker." While the Grim Reaper may walk these streets at night, come the end of October, November is the beginning of a whole new direction. Consider how this all began, some four or five hundred years or so, ago. Native superstitions in European villages called for a talisman to protect the villagers from the things that go bumping around at night. Those unseen spirits that haunted their dreams and hunted the streets at night.
"All Hallow's Evening," they called it. Followed by "All Saints Day," on the first day of November. The gradual shortening of the name, "Hallow E'en," gave us this current moniker for something that used to scare the daylights out of the fall-time worshippers. In less than a week, the sky will run with the color of blood. You will see things you never thought you'd see before. The awareness factor is over. Now comes the "revealing." For now, our message is simple: Happy Halloween!"
Steady yourself. All things will be revealed in their proper time. We are wrapping up the month of October, a few days early. This will give our hungry team the freedom to go out in search of sweets and chocolate. After all, they deserve it. We've been slaving over this cauldron for a month now, we are not super human, not super natural, just a little bit above average, perhaps. But time will tell.
We are scrapping our old image. It was a little too fuzzy-wuzzy for our tastes. Time now for "The Undertaker." While the Grim Reaper may walk these streets at night, come the end of October, November is the beginning of a whole new direction. Consider how this all began, some four or five hundred years or so, ago. Native superstitions in European villages called for a talisman to protect the villagers from the things that go bumping around at night. Those unseen spirits that haunted their dreams and hunted the streets at night.
"All Hallow's Evening," they called it. Followed by "All Saints Day," on the first day of November. The gradual shortening of the name, "Hallow E'en," gave us this current moniker for something that used to scare the daylights out of the fall-time worshippers. In less than a week, the sky will run with the color of blood. You will see things you never thought you'd see before. The awareness factor is over. Now comes the "revealing." For now, our message is simple: Happy Halloween!"
I Wave the Flag Proudly
I have been getting a lot of flack over some of my recent posts. Apparently, some people have viewed my thoughts as derogatory against the great nation that we live in. It has been suggested that if I am not happy with the way things are here, perhaps I should try someplace else. In fact, a few readers have been a little more explicit as to suggests a few places I might go -I won't mention them by name.
The places, or the readers...
Let's get this one thing straight. I am NOT ashamed of my country. I was born in the United States of America. I have travelled to several foreign lands, in my years on this earth and there is NO PLACE on the face of it that I would rather be than right HERE!
My sentiments in some of my earlier posts (American Automaton; Groomed to Consume, etc.) are NOT bashing America in the least. In fact, it was my hope to help make the country stronger by posting such thoughts. Those were intensely personal feelings that I was expressing, because, I feel as though we (true Americans, that is) are of a kindred spirit. I spoke as though I was speaking directly to my own family - because, after all, we are one BIG FAMILY.
We are from many walks of life. We are from many ethnic groups. We are from many different creeds and religions. We are from many points of view. One thing that ties us together is the fact that we are Americans. We are many, and I am proud to be among such a group as we are.
I wouldn't draw pictures like the one depicted in the link above, if I was against America or what she stands for.
Anybody who reads my posts on a regular basis can tell, quite readily, I am NOT ashamed of America. So, my message, to those who think otherwise is, Lighten up.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Groomed to Consume
Shall we all decide to end this slavish devotion to the Capitalist god? I think there is merit in that concept. We are weaned on the corruption of mass consumerism from the day we break through the matrix. Like so many little sperm cells racing for that pie-in-the-sky reward of beating out the Joneses. Let's not panic if our progeny are able to come to their senses and break the chain of abuse. More power to them.
The lifespan of the mole is about 65 years, they say. Then, you get your gold (colored) watch and your fixed income that keeps you in a hovel for the rest of your days. The watch has a nice inscription, at least: "Thanks for doing such a great job, bonehead, now kindly get yourself off the grid so that the next generation of fools can find your trail."
The irony is that, while employers are constantly demanding higher skill levels and more secondary education, they are not paying enough to cover tuition + lunch, not to mention regular day-to-day expenses. This creates a conundrum for the commoners who are expected to contribute to their own health/benefits packages and work all three jobs without falling asleep at the wheel and causing the company a loss-time incident.
From the cradle to the grave, we in America, are groomed to consume. Conspicuous consumption is what we are all about, after all. Got to feed the machine. Got to keep the crank turning -if not, we will be guilty of crashing the party and that is a major faux pas. So get up, get going, get to work and keep that belt moving. Pass GO, collect your $200 and head for the mall to get mauled.
We are defined by our holdings in life. A man on Wall Street, with holdings in six figures is much more valuable than a man on the street corner, holding a cardboard sign. You need to learn one thing in this life -do your job. Elsewise, you will become that man with the cardboard in his hand -and what will your in-laws think of you then? Everybody sees the ladder. Everybody climbs the ladder. Everybody blocks the next guy from following along, because, if they get to your level, and heaven forbid, they find some way to outshine you in front of your peers, well buddy, your days are numbered.
The lifespan of the mole is about 65 years, they say. Then, you get your gold (colored) watch and your fixed income that keeps you in a hovel for the rest of your days. The watch has a nice inscription, at least: "Thanks for doing such a great job, bonehead, now kindly get yourself off the grid so that the next generation of fools can find your trail."
The irony is that, while employers are constantly demanding higher skill levels and more secondary education, they are not paying enough to cover tuition + lunch, not to mention regular day-to-day expenses. This creates a conundrum for the commoners who are expected to contribute to their own health/benefits packages and work all three jobs without falling asleep at the wheel and causing the company a loss-time incident.
From the cradle to the grave, we in America, are groomed to consume. Conspicuous consumption is what we are all about, after all. Got to feed the machine. Got to keep the crank turning -if not, we will be guilty of crashing the party and that is a major faux pas. So get up, get going, get to work and keep that belt moving. Pass GO, collect your $200 and head for the mall to get mauled.
We are defined by our holdings in life. A man on Wall Street, with holdings in six figures is much more valuable than a man on the street corner, holding a cardboard sign. You need to learn one thing in this life -do your job. Elsewise, you will become that man with the cardboard in his hand -and what will your in-laws think of you then? Everybody sees the ladder. Everybody climbs the ladder. Everybody blocks the next guy from following along, because, if they get to your level, and heaven forbid, they find some way to outshine you in front of your peers, well buddy, your days are numbered.
I raise my glass to the man with the cardboard sign. He is one of the few Americans who knows what true freedom is. I know, it sounds ludicrous, but, there's nobody on earth who can tell that man where to sleep, what to eat, when or even how often. Nobody can tell him what to wear, how to wear it and where to put it when he takes it off. He pays no taxes, he pays no dues, he comes and goes at will. He takes days off when he wishes, without having to schedule and he doesn't care if he can't afford the latest trendy gadget.
So, shall we all decide to end this slavish devotion to the Capitalist god? Yes, let's shall! The time has come to consider the consequences of our choices and the impact that it makes on our progeny and our own feeble existence.
American Automaton
You probably stumbled into this post thinking it was a typo. You probably thought I was trying to write a piece about American Automation and just how grand we are in this country. I apologize to you if such was the case. I live in the wrong era to be writing such grandiosity.
An automaton, as you may well know (or, perhaps, you didn't) is a virtual robot. No conscience, no ambition, no innovation necessary to play this role. It's "Howdy, do what I say and not what I Doody Time!"
But an American Automaton is a unique creation. Such willful suspension of personal control over one's life has never been seen before, on the level that it is practiced in this country.
Our Founding Fathers attempted to leave us with "checks and balances" that could keep the government under OUR control. Instead of using them, however, our checkbook balance is out of synch to the tune of trillions of dollars -a number that didn't even exist in human knowledge at the time that our Founding Fathers walked the earth.
The Wright Brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Alva Edison, Benjamin Franklin, all of them were American citizens. They turned the world on its ear with inventions and innovations, political persuasion and deep, introspective thoughts. But, such innovation has long since departed these shores. Now, we parcel our best innovations to the Koreans, the Chinese, the Mexicans and the Indians -not the kind that Christopher Columbus thought he'd discovered, I'm talking actual Indians -from India!
In Communist countries, the populace are coerced into virtual automatons. Not so, in America. We slip into the role so naturally, that we should be embarrassed. The problem is, we're NOT. Not in the least. We can't pull ourselves away from the boobtube, or our video devices long enough to make the synapse snap us into any kind of remorse. We are Guilt-Free Automatons. What an innovation for us, huh?
In Third World countries, extreme poverty is caused by draughts and overpopulation issues, extreme viral outbreaks and attempts at annihilation and genocide. In America, it's caused by banks and credit card companies partnered with a willful ignorance of finances.
In America, every vote counts -but no one cares to vote.
In America, the poorest individuals consume more than some Third World villages, on any given day.
In America, a "crisis" is the description of the web server being overloaded. Sun spots interfering with our satellite signal. Our water or electricity being shut off for an hour due to maintenance issues. A note from the court, saying we've been selected for Jury Duty.
In America, being an automaton is a compliment. Bully for us.
An automaton, as you may well know (or, perhaps, you didn't) is a virtual robot. No conscience, no ambition, no innovation necessary to play this role. It's "Howdy, do what I say and not what I Doody Time!"
But an American Automaton is a unique creation. Such willful suspension of personal control over one's life has never been seen before, on the level that it is practiced in this country.
Our Founding Fathers attempted to leave us with "checks and balances" that could keep the government under OUR control. Instead of using them, however, our checkbook balance is out of synch to the tune of trillions of dollars -a number that didn't even exist in human knowledge at the time that our Founding Fathers walked the earth.
The Wright Brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Alva Edison, Benjamin Franklin, all of them were American citizens. They turned the world on its ear with inventions and innovations, political persuasion and deep, introspective thoughts. But, such innovation has long since departed these shores. Now, we parcel our best innovations to the Koreans, the Chinese, the Mexicans and the Indians -not the kind that Christopher Columbus thought he'd discovered, I'm talking actual Indians -from India!
In Communist countries, the populace are coerced into virtual automatons. Not so, in America. We slip into the role so naturally, that we should be embarrassed. The problem is, we're NOT. Not in the least. We can't pull ourselves away from the boobtube, or our video devices long enough to make the synapse snap us into any kind of remorse. We are Guilt-Free Automatons. What an innovation for us, huh?
In Third World countries, extreme poverty is caused by draughts and overpopulation issues, extreme viral outbreaks and attempts at annihilation and genocide. In America, it's caused by banks and credit card companies partnered with a willful ignorance of finances.
In America, every vote counts -but no one cares to vote.
In America, the poorest individuals consume more than some Third World villages, on any given day.
In America, a "crisis" is the description of the web server being overloaded. Sun spots interfering with our satellite signal. Our water or electricity being shut off for an hour due to maintenance issues. A note from the court, saying we've been selected for Jury Duty.
In America, being an automaton is a compliment. Bully for us.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Public WIFI Can Kill -Here's How
You take your laptop to its doctor with a little viral infection and find out, to your shock and dismay, this is more like Ebola Virus and your laptop, and possibly, you might not survive the experience.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Onus On US
Dr. Benjamin Carson has put the onus on us all. That is, on the American People. The Real American People, those of us who love this country and what it stands for. I'm not referring to the Leftists, the Rightists, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Conservatives, the Liberals, the Christians or the non-Christians.
I am referring to the Americans.
I am referring to the Americans.

Each of us has ONE VOTE. It is up to us all, to become informed citizens. To arm ourselves with knowledge about the issues, the candidates, the implications and the possibilities.
It's time to clear the temple, as it were. To drive out the money-changers and the opportunists who take their seats in office for granted. It's time to take out the trash.
It's time to put people in office who respect the nation for what it is, for what it was and for what it could be. It's time to bring back the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the American Flag and the Government BY the People, and FOR the People.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
What is a Graphics Specialist?
GraphicNotations is recognized by two major articles. 1) The Big Black Logo Button that ties it to Kaycee Graphics and 2) The tagline that reads: "Behind the Scenes With a Graphics Specialist."
Recently, it has become a minor controversy in certain circles. Part of the reason for that is the vagary aspect of the term "Graphic Design."
Industry is not the best place, sometimes, for coining terminology. Some graphic designers are merely artists, some are employees of an advertising firm, some are web designers, some are storytellers (in every sense of the word), but none are willing to clear the air regarding just what the term "graphic design" means.
Well, don't look at me. I don't know either. I'm not even going to touch that one.
Here at Kaycee Graphics, we are more than that -whatever it is "that" turns out to be.
A Graphics Specialist covers a lot more than just visuals. It is true that a single picture is worth a thousand words, but a hundred well-put-together words can, sometimes, paint a clearer image.
When people stare at a painting or a drawing, they very often, still have questions. "I wonder what this color is conveying?" or, "What's he intending to use THAT thingamajig for?" Sometimes images can be misleading.
What a Graphics Specialist does is to approach a project from a variety of angles at the same time. Not just words. Not just images. Not just copy. Not just rote. A Graphics Specialist takes into consideration a myriad of tools that are readily available, although not often used.
Multimedia exposure calls for multifaceted design. You don't always get the unexpected, with a Graphics Specialist, but you never truly expect what you eventually get. We take you into places where you never would've imagined yourself (or your company) going.
I can't necessarily tell you all there is to know about being a Graphics Specialist, after all, I have a business to run as well. But it's more than just that. What a Graphics Specialist is and does may vary quite widely from one job to the next. The simple fact is, if you are in doubt, you need a Specialist.
Recently, it has become a minor controversy in certain circles. Part of the reason for that is the vagary aspect of the term "Graphic Design."
Industry is not the best place, sometimes, for coining terminology. Some graphic designers are merely artists, some are employees of an advertising firm, some are web designers, some are storytellers (in every sense of the word), but none are willing to clear the air regarding just what the term "graphic design" means.
Well, don't look at me. I don't know either. I'm not even going to touch that one.
Here at Kaycee Graphics, we are more than that -whatever it is "that" turns out to be.
A Graphics Specialist covers a lot more than just visuals. It is true that a single picture is worth a thousand words, but a hundred well-put-together words can, sometimes, paint a clearer image.
When people stare at a painting or a drawing, they very often, still have questions. "I wonder what this color is conveying?" or, "What's he intending to use THAT thingamajig for?" Sometimes images can be misleading.
What a Graphics Specialist does is to approach a project from a variety of angles at the same time. Not just words. Not just images. Not just copy. Not just rote. A Graphics Specialist takes into consideration a myriad of tools that are readily available, although not often used.
Multimedia exposure calls for multifaceted design. You don't always get the unexpected, with a Graphics Specialist, but you never truly expect what you eventually get. We take you into places where you never would've imagined yourself (or your company) going.
I can't necessarily tell you all there is to know about being a Graphics Specialist, after all, I have a business to run as well. But it's more than just that. What a Graphics Specialist is and does may vary quite widely from one job to the next. The simple fact is, if you are in doubt, you need a Specialist.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Naked Ladies Invited
Honestly, I need to talk to the PR people about these titles. "Naked Ladies Invited" isn't even a complete sentence. Invited to WHAT? do they have to be NAKED? for that matter, do they have to be LADIES? I'll tell you what, let's put it another way -Naked Ladies will NOT BE turned away under any circumstances. However, this post is really for everybody, including (but not limited to) naked ladies.
As far as promotions go, we haven't really offered any discounts because, Naked Ladies or not, we aren't quite open for business. But that doesn't mean we WON'T be offering discounts.
Just check out this link: http://1drv.ms/1xZ4jht and see if there's anything there you find interesting.
It will lead you to a huge treasure trove of items that would fit naked ladies, or anybody else who could use a good covering. But bear in mind, they aren't actually on the market yet. This still falls under the guise of "preview."
Keep your eyes peeled, however, because the discounts are inevitable. And you'll find some of them RIGHT HERE.http://1drv.ms/1xZ4jht
As far as promotions go, we haven't really offered any discounts because, Naked Ladies or not, we aren't quite open for business. But that doesn't mean we WON'T be offering discounts.
Just check out this link: http://1drv.ms/1xZ4jht and see if there's anything there you find interesting.
It will lead you to a huge treasure trove of items that would fit naked ladies, or anybody else who could use a good covering. But bear in mind, they aren't actually on the market yet. This still falls under the guise of "preview."
Keep your eyes peeled, however, because the discounts are inevitable. And you'll find some of them RIGHT HERE.http://1drv.ms/1xZ4jht
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
How Does a Lunar Eclipse Occur?
How Does a Lunar Eclipse Occur? For years, scientists have struggled with how to put into words the method by which a lunar eclipse occurs.
With today's massive engines for research taking us to the heart of everything that exists, it has become the easiest thing to do. In the diagram below, one can observe the conventional approach to this dilemma for explanation, however, today, we will be discussing the newest methods and so we only present this image as a point of reference for those who might be unfamiliar with the subject of today's topic.
Casting aside the conventions of Umbra and Penumbra, we will insert new iconic images with words that we all speak. Another unconventional direction we will use is that of metaphoric pressure. Symbolism, after all, is an age-old device for helping your audience to conjure up images that help convey your message even as you are telling it.
Let's use a business model for this next portion. Let's say that you have a business, and for the sake of argument, we'll call it "Loona," after it's founder's nickname, "Little Looney." In place of Umbra and Penumbra, we'll plug in the terms "Abra," and "Cadabra." Now we have all the pieces in place, let me demonstrate:
Abra, that glory-grabbing, back-stabbing goober that works on the east side of the partition that separates your desk from his (Oh yeah, did I mention that this story is told in second person insinuative?) has apparently partnered up with Cadabra, who has been gathering false reports and tucking them under the cover of your, formerly magnificent report, just before the big meeting.
So now, after having enjoyed an impressive stint as the company founder and chairman, you suddenly find yourself "abracadabra'd" out of your position and reduced to the title of "Chief Communications Officer" and, to make matters worse, your connections on the LinkedIn Network see this as an opportunity to "congratulate" you on this new position. This, my friend, is how a Lunar Eclipse occurs! And you ask me why I'm salty!
With today's massive engines for research taking us to the heart of everything that exists, it has become the easiest thing to do. In the diagram below, one can observe the conventional approach to this dilemma for explanation, however, today, we will be discussing the newest methods and so we only present this image as a point of reference for those who might be unfamiliar with the subject of today's topic.
Casting aside the conventions of Umbra and Penumbra, we will insert new iconic images with words that we all speak. Another unconventional direction we will use is that of metaphoric pressure. Symbolism, after all, is an age-old device for helping your audience to conjure up images that help convey your message even as you are telling it.
Let's use a business model for this next portion. Let's say that you have a business, and for the sake of argument, we'll call it "Loona," after it's founder's nickname, "Little Looney." In place of Umbra and Penumbra, we'll plug in the terms "Abra," and "Cadabra." Now we have all the pieces in place, let me demonstrate:
Abra, that glory-grabbing, back-stabbing goober that works on the east side of the partition that separates your desk from his (Oh yeah, did I mention that this story is told in second person insinuative?) has apparently partnered up with Cadabra, who has been gathering false reports and tucking them under the cover of your, formerly magnificent report, just before the big meeting.
So now, after having enjoyed an impressive stint as the company founder and chairman, you suddenly find yourself "abracadabra'd" out of your position and reduced to the title of "Chief Communications Officer" and, to make matters worse, your connections on the LinkedIn Network see this as an opportunity to "congratulate" you on this new position. This, my friend, is how a Lunar Eclipse occurs! And you ask me why I'm salty!
Kaycee Graphics to Announce new Product Line
Consider this just a taste of what's to come.
It's been a long time in coming, but very soon, we will be launching a new website where these items and more will be available
Watch for valuable giveaways and promotions on my various pages, blogs and social networks
Monday, October 6, 2014
Okay, Back to Funny Business
Most people who read my blog, and I know that there is at least one guy in Poland -which I covered in an earlier post, are probably a little weary of my recent obsession with Dr. Benjamin Carson. Not that it was merely a phase, but I have spoken my piece on it for now.
So, like it or not, I will probably recede back into my familiar stomping grounds and post more humor on this blog.
Not now, of course.
I've got nothing funny to say. I'm sorry if you came all the way over hear, expecting to find something funny, but I don't have anything as yet. I'm working on it. All that I'm saying is, I most likely will go that way.
So, like it or not, I will probably recede back into my familiar stomping grounds and post more humor on this blog.
Not now, of course.
I've got nothing funny to say. I'm sorry if you came all the way over hear, expecting to find something funny, but I don't have anything as yet. I'm working on it. All that I'm saying is, I most likely will go that way.
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